Photo of daughter Michelle and her family at Fusion Steakhouse for her birthday, July 2024.
I used -
Pinkfresh Studio "Spring Vibes' line
Altenew Enamel Dots
Misc. Doily
Photo of daughter Michelle and her family at Fusion Steakhouse for her birthday, July 2024.
I used -
Pinkfresh Studio "Spring Vibes' line
Altenew Enamel Dots
Misc. Doily
Group photo of my sweet grandkids, Christmas 2024.
I used -
Various Washi Tapes
49 & Market Chipboard Title
Recollections Doily, Flowers
Based on this September Sketch #135 from the Scrap A Sketch Facebook Group.
Thanks for Looking!
Photos of sweet granddaughter Makaylee with some of her friends at a sporting event, February 2024.
I used -
Echo Park 'Let's Create' line
Pinkfresh Studio Puffy Alphas
49 & Market Chipboard Words
Altenew Enamel Dots
Based on this September Sketch #134 from the Scrap A Sketch Facebook Group.
Photos of daughter Marla and her kids Kaylee and Brady on our May 2024 Cruise.
I used -
49 & Market 'Everywhere' line
KaiserCraft Emphemera
Based on Christy's 30 Days of Sketches Day 23 by MK Gunn (left side).
Photo of sweet granddaughter Sydney at a Marshall Football Game, November 2024.
I used -
Simple Stories 'True Colors' line
Vicki Boutin Puffy Elements
49 & Market Filmstrips
Based on this September Sketch from the Scrap A Sketch Facebook Group.
Thanks for Looking!
Photos of sweet grandson Brady running Track, April 2024.
I used -
Reminisce 'Track & Field' line
Altenew Enamel Dots
Based on this September Sketch from the Scrap A Sketch Facebook Group.
Photos of DH Brad and I enjoying drinks at the beach at our Sunscape Coco Resort and Punta Cana, November 2024.
I used -
Photoplay 'Coco Paradise' line
Pinkfresh Studio Enamel Dots
Tim Holtz 'Faded Dot' Stencil
49 & Market Filmstrips
Based on this September Sketch from the Scrap A Sketch Facebook Group.
Thanks for Looking!