Sunday, March 23, 2025

Today is Good


Photo of daughter Michelle and her family at Fusion Steakhouse for her birthday, July 2024.

I used - 

Pinkfresh Studio "Spring Vibes' line

Altenew Enamel Dots

Misc. Doily

Thanks for Looking! 

December Angels


Group photo of my sweet grandkids, Christmas 2024.

I used - 

Various Washi Tapes

49 & Market Chipboard Title

Recollections Doily, Flowers

Based on this September Sketch #135 from the Scrap A Sketch Facebook Group.

Thanks for Looking! 

Good Times


Photos of sweet granddaughter Makaylee with some of her friends at a sporting event, February 2024.

I used - 

Echo Park 'Let's Create' line

Pinkfresh Studio Puffy Alphas

49 & Market Chipboard Words

Altenew Enamel Dots

Based on this September Sketch #134 from the Scrap A Sketch Facebook Group.

Thanks for Looking! 

Explore Discover


Photos of daughter Marla and her kids Kaylee and Brady on our May 2024 Cruise. 

I used - 

49 & Market 'Everywhere' line

KaiserCraft Emphemera

Based on Christy's 30 Days of Sketches Day 23 by MK Gunn (left side).

Thanks for Looking! 

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Hi, It's Me!


Photo of sweet granddaughter Sydney at a Marshall Football Game, November 2024.

I used - 

Simple Stories 'True Colors' line

Vicki Boutin Puffy Elements

49 & Market Filmstrips

Based on this September Sketch from the Scrap A Sketch Facebook Group.

Thanks for Looking! 

Track & Field


Photos of sweet grandson Brady running Track, April 2024.

I used - 

Reminisce 'Track & Field' line

Altenew Enamel Dots

Based on this September Sketch from the Scrap A Sketch Facebook Group.

Thanks for Looking! 



Photos of DH Brad and I enjoying drinks at the beach at our Sunscape Coco Resort and Punta Cana, November 2024.

I used - 

Photoplay 'Coco Paradise' line

Pinkfresh Studio Enamel Dots

Tim Holtz 'Faded Dot' Stencil

49 & Market Filmstrips

Based on this September Sketch from the Scrap A Sketch Facebook Group.

Thanks for Looking!